homemade pumpkin purée

roasted pumpking.jpg

So here’s one of those recipes you need to have in your back pocket.

Why? Because canned pumpkin is super accessable, but it’s so so easy to make your own. And, you can use it in so many things. This is how I make my pumpkin: pie, bars, bread, sides, soup, sauces, etc.

Also… if you are a dog parent, pumpkin puree is huge for dog gut health. Dog has the runs? Add some pumpkin puree to their diet. Dog constipated? Also, add in some pumpkin puree to their diet. It’s super good for dog health!

And, it’s super easy to make.

Just like I make my own bone broth consistently, I make my own pumpkin purée and freeze it during the fall and winter months.


1 sugar or baking pumpkin


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Cut the top (with stem) and bottom of pumpkin to create a flat surface.  Cut the pumpkin in half, and remove seeds and pulp.

Place pumpkin, center down, on a parchment paper lined jelly roll pan. Pierce the skin with a fork. Roast for 45 minutes. When you are done, you should be able to easily slide a fork through the skin and flesh.

Remove pumpkin from oven and scoop out flesh into a blender.

Purée until it reaches a smooth consistency.