quick tip: use a heavy bottomed oven and stove safe pan when roasting

While this one might seem like a no brainer, I’ll tell you, for years I made my thanksgiving turkey in a disposable tin baking pan. Not really sure why. I still made pan gravy with the drippings, I made turkey and other roasts every year.

So, while it seems intuitive, I am still going to share with you, that when you roast your turkey - or any other meat that you intend to make a gravy or au jus for, using the drippings, you should always use a pan that can be transferred from oven to stovetop and vice a versa.

This can be a dutch oven for smaller protiens, but for large cuts of meats, I use this mauviel pan. While all clad is my favorite cookware of choice, the mauviel pan is larger, deeper, and more conducive to pan gravy.

Also, this should also go unsaid, but make sure you use some sort of oven mitt to protect your hands from the handles when switching from oven to stove top.