quick tip: how to supreme your oranges


While it’s so much fun to cut oranges into wedges and make a peel smile when you eat them… it takes a little more finesse if you are plating them for a salad. That’s where supreming comes in.

Supreming removes all the white pith from both the peel and from in between each slice. It allows you to taste all of the citrus without any bitterness, plus it looks much prettier on the plate.

To supreme, start by cutting off the top and bottom of your orange. Set your orange down on either flat side, on a cutting board. Start at the top, and follow the curve of the orange, removing the peel and white pith. Turn orange as you go, removing slices of peel until there is no more left.

Hold the peeled orange in your hand, and using a pairing knife, very carefully slice in between the webbing of each slice and remove each slice individually.