pig mac

Okay guys… pretty sure I nailed this one. I’m really excited about it.

I took the classic mickey d flagship burger and turned it on it’s end. Instead of three buns, I use a bao. In stead of an all beef patty, I use ground pork.

I’ve included the cheese, lettuce, onions and my own special sauce.

And seriously? It tastes just like it. But homemade. And much, much better for you.


2 Tbsp evpp

1 lb ground pork

1/4 tsp white pepper

1 tsp granulated garlic

1 tsp salt

1 tsp dijon

bao buns

american cheese slices

special sauce

shredded iceburg lettuce

bread and butter pickles rough chopped

white onion, choppped


Heat evoo to shimmer over medium high heat.

Add pork to oil.

Season with pepper, granulated garlic, and salt.

Cook until meat is browned.

Cook bao buns according to directions.

Fill buns with a slice of american cheese, a spoonful of ground pork, and some special sauce. Top with lettuce, pickles, and onions.