peach iced tea, and make it spiked

If there was a drink of summer, it would be iced tea, no?

I can still remember my mom making pitchers of sun tea outdoors, during the summer, when I was a little kid.

It’s still one of my favorite drinks to order, and a fun one to “sangria up,” if you will. Especially if one is planning on drinking in the sun for a bbq fun-filled day.


4 cups boiling water

4 peach tea teabags

1 cup whiskey

3 Tbsp honey

2 white peaches, pitted and cut into sixths

1 white nectarine, pitted and cut into sixths

1/2 cup peach juice


Pour the boiling water over the tea bags. Let steep for 8 minutes. Then set aside to cool. Once cool, place in fridge.

In a large pitcher, whisk together honey and whiskey. Add in peaches and nectarines, stirring to coat. Refrigerate for 3 hours before serving.

Remove tea and whiskey mixture from fridge.

Add peach juice and tea to whiskey mixture, stirring to combine.

Fill glasses with ice, and pour tea over to serve, adding sliced fruits to glasses.